
Site History







Penguin Peril



Guest book



Thanks to everyone who helped me with this site in one way or another.

Site History

How this site came about, particularly the PaulCO site.


PaulCO is my fictitious company that manufactures Pauls - a human male alternative.  You can choose your favorite model from stock or have him custom designed to your specifications.  Visit your local PaulCO Paul dealership to pick up a new Paul and some great PaulCO accessories today!

Please help me make a sale and get my fictitious Sales manger and CEO off my back.


These pages will probably get the most attention after the overall site is complete.  Model-building has allowed me to develop a great number of skills, not the least of which are problem-solving and abstract thinking.  I have built models since I was a young child and doubt I will stop until I am physically incapable.

Modeler's Tools - added August 2002.  A comprehensive list of tools for building a variety of models with emphasis on flying model aircraft.


I was in the Armed Services for nearly ten years. The path that led me to enlisting is long and twisted, so I won't even attempt to explain that here.  However, while in the Army I had the opportunity to see several places around the world.  These pages tell the stories of my various "adventures."


Cameras mystified me for many years.  I thought that taking a photograph with a manual SLR was some kind of black art and that belief was a serious learning block.  My first camera had a broken meter which contributed a lot to my discouragement.

When I purchased my first new SLR, I learned that it wasn't that difficult to use.  My friends Linda and Barney gave me a good photography book for Christmas the same year and ever since then I've been working to perfect my technique.

Each of the images on this site was resized from previously resized photos, so the quality has suffered.  Unfortunately, the original images are not available to me at this time.  When I get them, I will replace all the images with better quality scans.


After joining the Army I could no longer build models at the level I was accustomed to due to lack of a shop.  I couldn't even use my airbrush in a barracks room due to the fumes.  So I stopped building altogether.  This didn't do good things for my mental health.  Consequently I discovered computers.  Within a month of purchasing my first computer my creative outlet became writing really bad software.

Over the years I purchased several programming books, visited various web sites for programmers, wrote tens of thousands of lines of code and my expertise expanded greatly.  My projects became more ambitious and I am now a fairly competent programmer.  The hardest part is keeping up with the changes in technology that inevitably come along just when I thought I knew what I was doing.

Penguin Peril

Share my nightmare!

Anecdotes, ranting and things that don't fit anywhere else

Since nobody really cares about anyone else's opinions, I thought posting mine in cyber space would be a good way to voice them without seeing people walk out while I'm in the middle of a sentence.  If you want to read what nobody else cares about, this would be a good place to visit.

Disclaimer sort of thing:

There are various places within these pages that I take shots at people or groups that I have issues with.  If you're one of those people and you want to shoot back, send me an e-mail and say what's on your mind.  You don't have to hold back - I'm durable.

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